Seller’s Agent Disclosure: Are Home Inspection Results Shared with Other Buyers?

When it comes to buying a home, one of the most crucial steps in the process is the home inspection. This is where a professional inspector comes in to assess the condition of the home and identify any potential issues that may need to be addressed. But what happens to the results of that inspection? Are they shared with other potential buyers? And does a seller’s agent have a legal obligation to disclose these results? These are important questions that can significantly impact the home buying process.

Understanding Seller’s Agent Disclosure

A seller’s agent, also known as a listing agent, represents the seller in a real estate transaction. Their primary responsibility is to protect the seller’s interests, which includes maintaining confidentiality about certain aspects of the sale. However, there are certain circumstances where disclosure is required.

When is Disclosure Required?

Disclosure is typically required when there are known material defects with the property. Material defects are issues that could significantly impact the value of the home or the buyer’s decision to purchase it. These can include structural issues, problems with the plumbing or electrical systems, or issues with the roof. In these cases, the seller’s agent is legally obligated to disclose these defects to any potential buyers.

What About Home Inspection Results?

When it comes to home inspection results, the rules can be a bit more complex. In general, a seller’s agent is not required to disclose the results of a home inspection to other potential buyers. However, if the inspection reveals material defects, then these must be disclosed.

Why Aren’t Inspection Results Always Shared?

There are a few reasons why inspection results might not be shared with other buyers. First, the results are typically considered confidential between the buyer who requested the inspection and the seller. Second, sharing the results could potentially influence other buyers’ perceptions of the property, which could impact the seller’s ability to sell the home.

What Should Buyers Do?

Given these complexities, it’s important for buyers to take steps to protect their own interests. This includes hiring a reputable home inspector to conduct their own inspection. This way, they can be sure they have all the information they need to make an informed decision about the purchase.


In conclusion, while a seller’s agent does have certain disclosure obligations, these do not typically extend to sharing the results of a home inspection with other potential buyers. However, any material defects discovered during the inspection must be disclosed. As a buyer, it’s important to conduct your own inspection to ensure you have all the necessary information about the property.